Research Services

Provides all citizens of Mississippi with free, online access to thousands of full text articles and research materials (access code: magn1247).

Access to over 27 billion historical & genealogical resources from census records to family tree construction (in-library use only).

Census records, city directories and more! Access genealogical records from anywhere for free!

LexisNexis access
Access to over 100,000 business & legal resources (in-library use only).

Access to google search

Universal Class access
Free self-paced training for hundreds of topics from gardening to coding.
EBSCO LearningExpress access
Tired of paying for expensive exam manuals? Check out these free test-prep resources! E-books, practice tests, and tutorials for the ACT, GED, and more.
Dark blue logo for Rocket Languages - "Let's get talking"
Free self-paced language & cultural training. Includes everything from Spanish to American Sign Language.
Access to thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, movies, and TV shows for free with your library card.